I read an article about the Bonnie and Clyde Teens, who went on a crime spree. Upon finding out that his girlfriend was only 13 years old, the 18 year old boy realized there was nothing he could do because “he was already done in love with her”, his mother said. This got me thinking about the things in my life that are nonnegotiable because I’m already done in love.
1. Family
There are a total of three people that I completely trust without a doubt: my parents and my husband. Those are also the three people that can do no wrong in my book.
2. Mountain Dew
My soda obsession has been going strong for years. I once had an ex-boyfriend accuse me of loving Mountain Dew more than I loved him. Sadly, that was the case since he’s long gone and I’m still over here with my Mountain Dew.
3. MusicMusic has owned my life since the beginning. Even though I can’t play or sing, I love everything about music.
4. AnimalsI grew up on a farm, so animals have been a huge part of my life. Sometimes I think I love animals more than people.
5. ComputersI really started getting into computers in middle school and life has never been the same! Social media has completely exploded and it’s so easy to stay connected to everyone and everything. Back in my day, I had to sit in front of a computer, on a desk, in a room. Right now, I’m typing this on my couch!
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