Friday, August 29, 2014

The Sale


We are currently in the midst of my family’s annual sale.  What started about 30 years ago as a small yard sale has turned into a garage full & yard full sale.  I think this year is the biggest sale we’ve had EVER.  So. Much. Stuff. Everywhere.  The pic above is only one side of the front yard.  There’s also a gazebo set up.

It’s ridicuronk!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Big Girl Camera



I have a million pictures like this on my phone.  Blurry & grainy.  Can you even tell who that is singing up there?  Spoiler:  it’s Dustin Lynch.  When I went to the concert, everyone else was taking these awesome pictures with their phones & I was over there like “Hey, I’m like a real blogger!  See my grainy pics?  They’re going on the internet!”

Ever since that concert, I’ve been obsessed with getting a big girl camera.  A camera that will actually take professional type pictures.  I really want a Canon Rebel & came thisclose to buying one that I found on sale with the bag & extra lenses, but I waited too long & the sale ended.  I’m still kicking myself over that one.  You know, because I’m the type that kicks myself over not spending $400 on a camera.

I’ve totally psyched myself out over it, too.  I’ve convinced myself that I could be this great photographer & take my blog to the next level & take pictures for my local newspaper & just be generally more awesome if only I just bought this camera.  Never mind the fact that every.single.person with a camera like that thinks they’re a photographer & the reason my blog hasn’t hit the next level is because I never have time to post & I wouldn’t have the time to take pictures for my local newspaper & I’m already generally awesome.

I still want a big girl camera, though.  I’m off to compare prices on every online retailer imaginable!  Peace out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mother, How I Met Her

Well, hello there!  It’s been a while, yes?  I could come up with a crafty excuse as to why I’ve been away, but the truth is so much more legendary:


OMG.  I love this show.  I’m the type that takes forever to warm up to what’s popular, and, as you can tell, it took me forever to even watch this show.  Now, I’m hooked.  I’m currently on the second season.  I did read some spoilers, though, & I totes hate myself for doing so!  I know I’m so late to the party on this one, but this show is soooo good.  I also love that the episodes are only about 20 minutes long, so I can get through the episodes fast.  I don’t know what I’m going to do when the series ends [for me]!

What are some shows that you’re obsessing over?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Caturday on a Monday



This is my cat, Goober.  I snapped this pic yesterday when I looked outside and saw her laying in the windshield of my car.  My cats always lay on the cars, but this was the first time one of them was laying like that.  You can always tell what cars are mine by the paw prints on them!

My cats are such weirdos.  Here’s my other cat, Cobalt, just sleeping on my bed:


Are your animals total weirdos?

Friday, August 8, 2014

Drink With My Name On It



There’s something about my name on a cup, even if it’s spelled wrong!

Whoa, did I just make it through a week of blogging?  I can’t believe it!  Who knew I had so much to write about?!

I would tell you about today, but it involves lots of money thrown at the car dealership & it’s kind of making me sick to think about it again.  But hey, I got a drink with my name on it, so it wasn’t a total bust, right?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Thursday – Baby Russie


This is my dog, Russell, circa 2000.  He’s now 14 years old & still going strong!  He’s a Jack Russell mix breed of awesomeness!
We got Russ from my grandparents back when they still had their farm.  Russ' mom was a mixed breed.  She kind of looked like a Jack Russell Dachshund.  She had the markings of a Jack Russell, but was kind of long.  Well, she got together with the dog down the road that also looked like a Jack Russell, but more scruffy, which resulted in Russ and his siblings.

He lives with my parents, but I see him all the time.  He's at that age now where I've given him a free pass to do whatever he wants.  He wants to squeeze in and sit beside me when I don't want him to?  Oh alright, get over here!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Popsicle Love

Google image search for "homemade popsicles"

Right here is probably my meaning of failure.

I really want to make homemade popsicles.  I bought some molds and then I Google searched for “homemade popsicles”.  Right about then is when my sense of failure set in.

You see, I’m not a chef.  Not even close.  I very rarely prepare anything from scratch.  Frozen meals have been sustaining our household for quite some time.  And homemade desserts?  Totally nonexistent.  Every once in a while, though, I get the urge to want to make something homemade and I guess popsicles are my flavor of the week.  Well, up until I image searched for them.

I’m still going to attempt to make my own popsicles, but I can almost guarantee that they will not turn out as great as those ones above!

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Working On The Farm

You guys, I’ve been so tired lately.  I’ve been putting in many hours working on the farm.  I go there before my regular job & log in many hours after.  You can find me there late into the night, making sure everything is just right.  It’s a lot of work, but, to me, it’s totally worth it.

Aaand this is the farm I’ve been working on!  I’m so addicted to Farm Heroes, y’all!  You can totally find me out in the car before work, trying to line my crops up just right!  I’m still at it during the night too, when I should be sleeping.  I don’t know what it is about this game, but I’m hooked!

If only I could get this dedicated about other things in my life…

Monday, August 4, 2014

Happy August!



How is it August already?  It seems like the time has been flying by lately.  We’re almost at the end of summer already!  NOOO!

Can we just take a sec to talk about this picture?  Are mirror pictures still a thing?  They are in my world, apparently.  Also, the flash was totes not a good idea.  What do I know, I shoot in “auto”!  Also, that’s not my camera, so long hair, don’t care about camera settings!

I’ve got some exciting things coming to you on this blog for the month of August.  And by exciting, I mean I’m posting a lot more.  Yeah, it’s probably total snoozefest stuff, but I’m writing.  Yay!