One of the major “adult” things I struggle with is grocery shopping. Here are the top three things I struggle with:
1. I don’t plan out meals in advance: I’ll just grab a ton of things at the store & hope for the best. I’m so messed up that I don’t even really have staples that I buy. I have a love/hate relationship with milk and eggs. I buy them, but then I’m dumping the milk down the drain and throwing the eggs away, so then I don’t buy them and really need them for something!
2. I don’t have all of the ingredients for anything: The problem with grabbing a ton of random things at the store is that I don’t have every single ingredient for anything. Like I’ll have everything for tacos except the meat! Or I’ll have pasta and no sauce or something.
3. I’m a fruit & veggies person…except I’m not: I’m all up in the produce section, picking up fruits and veggies that I’m totally going to eat…except I don’t. By the time I’m ready to eat them, they’ve turned to mush in the fridge. I’ve gotten way better at this because I just stopped buying fresh produce altogether, but some times I’ll slip up and end up with a fridge full of rotten produce. I looked at some cut fruit I picked up and was surprised to find it wasn’t out of date! I was so proud!
I totally wish I could be like Danielle from Blissful and Domestic. She’s the best at everything frugal. I found her blog a few years ago through an AOL story and got super inspired. Her family lived off $14,000 a year. I really like some of her grocery tips, like shopping once a month & freezing whatever you can to make it last. If only I can muster the willpower to get this done!
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