Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Curse

I joke that I'm adopted because I look absolutely nothing like my parents. You know how in some families the resemblance is uncanny? Well, not in mine. If you put me next to my parents, you wouldn't be able to tell we're related.

While we may not look alike, my dad and I do have at least one thing in common: we have the worst luck when it comes to objects.

It probably began long before this, but the first instance I can remember is when my dad got his truck. This thing was awesome! It had a snow plow on the front and it was going to be so great in the winter and make our driveway plowing a breeze...until it didn't. If I remember correctly, the plow got stuck in one direction, which was awesome if you only wanted to plow one way. Otherwise, it sucked. Also, one Christmas morning, my mom took it alone to my grandparents' house and the plow dropped right down in the middle of the road and she couldn't get it to move. I'm also fairly certain that this was the truck that my dad got stuck in the snow mound all winter and not even the neighbor's huge tractor could get it unstuck.

Then there are the tractors. Several of them. The one that could have plowed the driveway last winter? Oh yeah, not going to work because it wouldn't start all winter.

Oh, and the boats! The one he's using now is actually named "Little Dumpy" and legit sank in the lake last year.

All of these things started out with such promise and turned into complete junk really quickly.

I never realized that I shared this curse with my dad until I bought my new computer and had to system restore it a week later. Now that I'm facing facts here, I think I've had this curse all along and have been in total denial about it. So if you're looking to buy something that sounds pretty awesome, you should probably keep it away from me!

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