Wednesday, December 17, 2014


I had probably the scariest dream of my entire life last night.  In it, I was driving late at night and somehow lost control of my car.  I closed my eyes and prayed that my car would stop before I came to the intersection.  When it finally stopped, I was somehow out of the car.  I went back to the car and could feel that my side airbag and front airbag had went off.  I managed to pull the car ahead as another vehicle passed by.  I got back out of the car and started walking down the road where I saw a car with its roof completely gone.  There were also vehicle debris everywhere.  I wasn’t sure if someone had been in the car until I saw just a hint of blood where the windshield should have been.  I then kept walking and found the person’s dead body underneath debris.

Then I woke up, completely mortified.  I made my husband come back to bed with me (he usually falls asleep on the couch most nights), telling him that I had a bad dream.  He asked me if I wanted to talk about it and I said “no”.  How could I tell him that I just saw someone die like that and it was probably my fault?

What does that nightmare mean anyway?  Probably that I’m messed up!


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