Monday, October 26, 2015
Menu Plan Monday | Week 2
I totally cheated on last week's Menu Monday. We ate at my parents' house on Monday and at a restaurant on Friday, so I only made 3 meals last week. Aaand that brings my monthly total to 3 meals! I'm kidding, except I'm not. 3 meals are better than no meals, right? Here's what I'm attempting for this week:
Monday: Ham & Potatoes
Tueday: Sloppy Joes + Mac & Cheese
Wednesday: Tacos
Thursday: BBQ Chicken Sandwiches &; Mashed Potatoes
Friday: Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes
The awesome thing about this menu plan is that I don't have to buy anything! I have it all at my house right now.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Best Thing/Worst Thing
Everything in my life has either been the best thing or the worst thing that's ever happened. I don't have an intuition, so every decision I ever make is just me crossing my fingers and hoping that it's going to work out. It kind of sucks. My go-to is usually playing it safe because at least I know that will work out, but lately I've been all over the place decision-wise and it's leaving me with so much anxiety that I can't even stand it. I hate vague blogging about all this, but there's only so much I can share before things become official in November. But, just so you know, I'm all #ugh over here for days and days.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
New Design
My blog has a new design! I was getting tired of the old one and decided to switch it up a little. To be honest, I'm not completely happy with this new layout, but it will work for now. I have a lot of different posts coming up in November and I wanted a layout that would be easier for people to access. I thought the text and lines on the old layout were a little hard to follow, so this more simple layout was born.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Menu Plan Monday
Something new I'm trying out in our house this week is a menu plan. It will probably only work for this week because I'm terrible at sticking to menus/everything.
Monday: Chili & Mashed Potatoes
Tuesday: Mississippi Pot Roast (found via pinterest)
Wednesday: Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing (found via pinterest)
Thursday: Sloppy Joes + Mac & Cheese
Friday: BBQ Chicken & Mashed Potatoes
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Quitting The Internet
Every single day I read something that makes me want to quit the Internet.
I was lucky to grow up in a time that was Internetless. My childhood was spent outside. My school days were full and then I went home and didn't have to worry about being bullied through a computer screen. I didn't have to worry about getting a #sponsoredpost in my paper diary. I connected with my friends at their houses, not over texts.
Don't get my wrong, I love the Internet, but sometimes it's just out there and in my face. Everything is so accessible and I realize that I too am a part of it. With this blog, my voice is extremely edited. The things that I've seen others write? Not so much. At least once a day I find myself side-eying something someone wrote.
Even though I fantasize about quitting the Internet, I know I'll never quit it. I'll always be around in some form or another. I love a good #trainwreckinprogress even if I'm on this one.
Also, if being on the Internet is a mistake, I can totally file it under 'not learning from my mistakes'. Also, if I keep adding to that file, it is going to be the biggest file I've ever seen in my life. I should make an entire series on the mistakes I haven't learned from. It would probably be an entire blog, actually.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
I Hate Salads
Confession time:
98% of the time, I hate salads. I rarely meet a salad that I like. It's all lettuce for days for me and I just can't, but do you think that stops me from buying a salad for lunch? No way. Every time I see a salad, I think I'm going to like it and I just don't.
We could also file this under 'Not learning from my mistakes', but that file is overflowing right now.
PS: Sorry this post is so late. I wasn't even going to post at all and then I remembered how much I hate salads and how much I want the internet to know.
98% of the time, I hate salads. I rarely meet a salad that I like. It's all lettuce for days for me and I just can't, but do you think that stops me from buying a salad for lunch? No way. Every time I see a salad, I think I'm going to like it and I just don't.
We could also file this under 'Not learning from my mistakes', but that file is overflowing right now.
PS: Sorry this post is so late. I wasn't even going to post at all and then I remembered how much I hate salads and how much I want the internet to know.
Monday, October 12, 2015
You guys, my tv still isn't back on. I'm totes dying over here. It's too late to catch up with any of the new fall shows now! Hopefully, I should have the tv issue resolved today, but for the last four weeks, Netflix has been my buddy. Here are a few shows I've been streaming:
The Blacklist: I watched the first season on Netflix while the second season was on tv, so I was really excited when the second season came to Netflix. It has everything I love in a show: Crime fighting, mystery and secrets.
Longmire: After having this in my recommendations forever, I finally decided to watch it and it's so awesome. It's about the fictional Sheriff Longmire and his struggles to take back his town.
iZombie: My mom was raving over this show when it first came out on tv, so when it came on Netflix, I wanted to try it out. One episode later and I was hooked! The story follows Liv Moore, a medical resident turned into a functional zombie.
What shows are you watching? How is tv?!
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Like Update
Friday, October 9, 2015
A Secret
I have very few secrets, but the secrets I do have are huge. Since it's Fall, it's the perfect time to tell you this secret:
I hate pumpkin spice.
The only pumpkin things I can deal with are pumpkin pies and pumpkin rolls. Everything else I am done with. I just don't like the flavor. I don't even like the smell. I think pumpkins are pretty to look at, but that's kind of the end of it for me.
If confronted about this, I probably would lie all the way. After all, it's the only #basic thing to do, right?
PS: If all goes well, in a couple weeks I'll be able to share an even bigger secret I've been keeping, so stay tuned for that.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Throwback Thursday
Throwback to 2005 when that was the scariest house I had ever been in. I've been in tons of scarier houses since. I have a thing for creepy houses & it probably started right there.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Here's something that I've been thinking about way too much lately:
The Facebook 'Like' button.
I don't like it.
I know it's a Facebook thing, but seriously, why 'Like'? It's cool when you're reading something and it's good news for someone, but what do you do when it's crappy news? Personally, I just read it and feel sad or mad or whatever and move on with my life, but there's always that one person (if not more than one person) who 'Likes' it. I'm hoping that it's an accidental 'Like' because who really likes crappy news? Who sees that something tragic happened and 'Likes' it?
The strangest things manifest themselves in my brain sometimes...
Oh yeah, if you want you can 'Like' rockin2thesound on Facebook!
The Facebook 'Like' button.
I don't like it.
I know it's a Facebook thing, but seriously, why 'Like'? It's cool when you're reading something and it's good news for someone, but what do you do when it's crappy news? Personally, I just read it and feel sad or mad or whatever and move on with my life, but there's always that one person (if not more than one person) who 'Likes' it. I'm hoping that it's an accidental 'Like' because who really likes crappy news? Who sees that something tragic happened and 'Likes' it?
The strangest things manifest themselves in my brain sometimes...
Oh yeah, if you want you can 'Like' rockin2thesound on Facebook!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
My Life Story In 140 Characters or Less
The other day, I posted this tweet:
I guess I'm just nostalgic. I want people and places to stay the same, even though that's a terrible expectation. As people, we're all about growth and, while I can handle it in my own life, it hurts me to see it in others. I've reached the age now where places I used to frequent are no longer there. It's cool and sad all at the same time.
Aaand this is what kind of post I write when I don't schedule! I'm all over the place here.
That awkward moment when I move on with my life & then get mad at other people for moving on with theirs...
— Tiffanie W. (@rockin2thesound) October 4, 2015
If you want to know about my life, that's pretty much it.I guess I'm just nostalgic. I want people and places to stay the same, even though that's a terrible expectation. As people, we're all about growth and, while I can handle it in my own life, it hurts me to see it in others. I've reached the age now where places I used to frequent are no longer there. It's cool and sad all at the same time.
Aaand this is what kind of post I write when I don't schedule! I'm all over the place here.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Why I Schedule Blog Posts + How To Schedule Your Posts
Scheduling blog posts is super important for me. Remembering to blog every day is such a hassle. Ain't nobody got time to sit in front of a computer every single day! I also have days where I feel super creative and want to blog all the things, and days where I don't have a single creative thought, so it makes sense for me to blog when I feel the most creative. If I wrote my posts in real time, there would definitely be posts that would outline the ways that I hate everyone and everything and I don't really want to bring everyone down with that. I'm also very reflective, so it takes a lot of time for me to comment on a situation because I have so many emotions about everything.
Scheduling blog posts is super easy to do with Blogger. All you have to do is click on "schedule" in the "post settings" area of Blogger when writing your post. From there, you can set the date and time you want your post to appear on your blog.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
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