I have a million pictures like this on my phone. Blurry & grainy. Can you even tell who that is singing up there? Spoiler: it’s Dustin Lynch. When I went to the concert, everyone else was taking these awesome pictures with their phones & I was over there like “Hey, I’m like a real blogger! See my grainy pics? They’re going on the internet!”
Ever since that concert, I’ve been obsessed with getting a big girl camera. A camera that will actually take professional type pictures. I really want a Canon Rebel & came thisclose to buying one that I found on sale with the bag & extra lenses, but I waited too long & the sale ended. I’m still kicking myself over that one. You know, because I’m the type that kicks myself over not spending $400 on a camera.
I’ve totally psyched myself out over it, too. I’ve convinced myself that I could be this great photographer & take my blog to the next level & take pictures for my local newspaper & just be generally more awesome if only I just bought this camera. Never mind the fact that every.single.person with a camera like that thinks they’re a photographer & the reason my blog hasn’t hit the next level is because I never have time to post & I wouldn’t have the time to take pictures for my local newspaper & I’m already generally awesome.
I still want a big girl camera, though. I’m off to compare prices on every online retailer imaginable! Peace out!