Monday, June 16, 2014

Shaving #InASnap with Gillette Venus Snap

Summer is finally here which means my shaved legs are on full display because I live in shorts when the weather gets hot.

The problem I always run into is everything looks shaved in the house & then the moment I step outside, I find a ton of spots that I missed.  Enter, Gillette® Venus® Snap with Embrace:

This razor is so easy to take along for those spontaneous shaving sessions, whether it's just a few hairs or I need a full on shave fast.  It even comes with its own case.  To use, just add some water and shave.  That's it.  When I'm done, I just dry it off & put it back in its case, ready for the next time I need it.  I loved how it was sharp enough to get the job done, yet gentle enough not to cut my legs to shreds.

& it looks cool in the pool! :)

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.  All opinions are my own.

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