I have such a love/hate relationship with this blog.
As I’ve mentioned briefly before, a couple years ago I used to have another blog. That blog was way more anonymous. I loved being anonymous because I could basically say and do whatever I wanted. No one knew who I was in real life and it was awesome…for a while.
This blog? rockin2thesound? People know that. I’ve been
@rockin2thesound on twitter forever. I’ve tweeted to and met people in person because of that platform. People that I actually know in real life follow my tweets. I’m sure sometimes they read this blog because I tweet links to my blog posts on occasion. That’s why it’s so difficult for me to let go on here. When I write, I’m thinking in the back of my mind that someone I know might read it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because being an a-hole online isn’t my jam anymore. Even though I still want to be
the child, I feel like I’ve grown up a lot and adults don’t go around being a-holes on the internet.
I love this blog because it’s more of who I am, but I hate it because, well, it’s more of who I am. Putting myself out there is difficult. I think that’s why I haven’t really posted a ton of stuff here. Being real just gets too
real sometimes. I also have to remember that my page views suck, so a ton of people aren’t reading this anyway!
What I’m trying to say is that I’m going to try to blog more often and get outside my comfort zone just a little without being an a-hole on the internet! Let’s see how that goes!
Also, you should just read this post by
Nicole. She said all of this way better than I could.